Laughter, Needed

Everyone who knows me knows I’m a huge Dr. Who fan. We’ve been waiting on the results of the biopsy, so I’m a bit stressed and not really amused at very much, not even the antics of the cats.

So my sweet, funny, and lovely boyfriend decided to lift my spirits this afternoon, and he used a technique that I’m sure every Whovian out there will appreciate.

I was working in my bedroom this afternoon, and during the course of the afternoon I got up to get myself a drink from the kitchen and then use the restroom. I was startled to see this sign on the door:

Do not touch this door. It is a documented time portal.

Best wishes,

The Department of Time

So – and I am giggling again now – I went downstairs to use the restroom there. I looked for the prankster on my way down, because I wanted to tell him how giggly it made me, but I saw no sign of him. However, I did see another sign on the door of that restroom.

Unauthorised use of this portal can cause a rift in the time-space continuum. Open this door very carefully. Only authorised time travellers have access. If the world ends, you killed us.


The Department of Time

So, I opened the door – very carefully.

I must be an authorised time traveller – because nothing happened! Thanks to my darling boyfriend it is now official!

So much laughter, needed. I am loved and I am content.

1 Comment

  • Kafkaesque 18th December 2012 at 12:46 am

    Few things are more attractive in a man than a sense of humour!! Even more so than a really good cologne….. 😉


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